Subaru cam seal drain – CSOD


If tapping the valve covers or heads is not an option, the IMS cam seal oil drain provides an alternate method of draining oil be it from a turbo charger, oil catch can, etc into a head.


The Cam seal oil drain installs in place of a factory cam half moon seal just as the oem part however offer an -4 to -10an female fitting. The -10 fitting has an undersized ID to keep a reasonable wall thickness passing though the seal. Other sizes use standard though bores.


Some engines such as the EZ30, have the cam seals positioned so the lower seal will cause the fitting to be angled upwards which can be problematic with some systems, such as some turbocharger oil returns. Please keep this in mind while ordering as there is no guarantee that even though the fitting is short, that it will not cause an issue with the incline it has while installed.


Drain is available with a single blank seal to complete one head, or as a set of 4, with 3 blank seals and one drain to a complete engine


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