VW rear beams while very simple also have the shape that easily causes dynamic toe out underloading which can cause cornering instability.
The SCCH Rear Beam Toe Stabilizer kit corrects this issue by triangulating the rear beam with machined tie rods to provided steel towers which are welded below the lower shock mount. The tie rods utilize Teflon lined spherical rod ends which are anchored at either end with large 1/2-20 fasteners
This product complements the SCCH MkIII VW Rear Beam Bearing Kit, and combined will allow the most performance out of the MkIII’s VW’s rear end.
NOTE: Some welding is required to install the SCCH Rear Beam Toe stabilizer kit to your car and the modification is permanent, it is recommended you consult a certified welder for this application.
This kit DOES NOT FIT with sock MkIII fuel tanks. A fuel cell that sits higher than the OEM unit or an MkII tank must be used. If not addressed the passenger side stay rod will crash with the fuel tank under heavy compression unless an additional 2.5″ spacer is used.